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The Foundation operates at the habitat, ecosystem and landscape levels. This recognises that individual species depend on core habitat for survival, different communities of plants and animals have complex sets of interactions, and that ecosystems are often interrelated across landscapes.

We are currently working on a number of projects in the Russell River Catchment, which forms part of the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area. The catchment has seven Nationally Important Wetlands, two listed threatened ecological communities, 75 threatened species of flora and fauna and 50 migratory species nationally listed under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth). With each tree planted, we’re one step closer to restoring landscape connectivity, aquatic ecosystems and critical habitat for unique wildlife. Over time, we hope to expand our activities into other high priority areas.

Foundation volunteers are currently working with our partner organisation, Jaragun NRM, to restore areas as part of several rainforest protection, native habitat expansion and water quality improvement projects.

Buttonwood (Glochidion hylandii) seeds.J



Our revegetation activities make a significant contribution towards achieving our biodiversity objectives. We protect rainforest by connecting stands of remnant vegetation and provide for reinstatement of Wet Tropics rainforest by planting species that will give complex forest structure and are endemic to the area. 

The project contributes to establishment of an 83 Ha corridor, connecting four remnant stands of Palustrine Wetland and 10 Ha rehabilitated wetland. The project includes 80 plant species to reinstate two endangered Palustrine Wetland ecosystem types that are essential habitat for Southern Cassowary – Complex mesophyll vine forest (RE 7.3.10c) and Mesophyll vine forest with Archontophoenix alexandrae (RE 7.3.3a). Thirty species are included that produce fleshy fruits eaten by Southern Cassowary. Weed control will give South Cassowary immediate access to food source in the existing 11.5 Ha stand of remnant Mesophyll vine forest adjacent to the project site. A population of vulnerable Canarium acutifolium will also be established.



Working with our partners, the Foundation is helping to reduce carbon emissions and improve water quality to the Great Barrier Reef. This pilot Carbon and Reef Credit Project involves replanting endangered rainforest and reinstating former wetland. The project reestablishes a natural filtration system to reduce pollutants and improve water quality before it reaches the Reef. The project further supports employment of local Aboriginal people. The project is a joint initiative of Jaragun NRM, GreenCollar, and Qantas.  


The Project will plant 19 Ha of native trees in the Russel River Catchment. These trees will not only filter agricultural runoff, but restore habitat for vulnerable and threatened native species.


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