The Foundation was established in 2014 to protect and conserve biodiversity of the Wet Tropics. Established as a Trust of the Wet Tropics NRM Pty Ltd, the Foundation is a not-for-profit charity. In 2017, the Foundation was accepted onto the Register of Environmental Organisations, giving it Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status.
The Foundation works to conserve, protect, repair and restore biodiversity and ecosystems of the Wet Tropics bioregion. Our priorities address the causes of ecosystem degradation and habitat loss as a result of pest plants and animals, land clearance and modification, current land management practices, and climate change. Our approach involves:
• Developing and implementing on-ground projects with the
community and like-minded organisations
• Raising financial and other resources
• Investing in properties of strategic value
• Conducting scientific research
• Working in partnership with a wide range of stakeholders
• Incorporating and preserving Traditional Owner knowledge systems